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For Southern Iowa


Every year I have a new mantra printed on my planner. This year I chose, "Be the change you want to see in the world". To me that means be the kind of person who would make this world a better place. It also means if it requires you to make changes to yourself then do it, and lead by example. I have flaws like anyone else, but I continually strive to become better. I had no idea that I would decide to run for a political office in my life, but I feel compelled to lead in my advocacy for Iowa's future—our children! This legislative session there are critical decisions being made about education that are being forged forward without true representation of the people. That is not ok. Thus, it is time for me to "be the change" to protect and represent southern Iowa as our future depends on it. You can be part of the change, too! Let's connect to work together for a better future for Iowa!

Together we can be the change southern Iowa needs.

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Who is?

Brenda Brammer-Smith

I was born and raised in Clarke County and have been a lifelong Clarke County resident. I am a veteran educator of 28 years, 22 of which were served in Clarke County. I am a Christian, Wife, Mom, Grandma, Educator and an Advocate for public education and the children of Iowa. EVERY child deserves the best education no matter the location in Iowa. My mission is to bring back Iowa’s education to the top in the nation. I want to know YOUR CONCERNS and YOUR THOUGHTS on Iowa’s issues. Education is only one of them and what is important to my constituents will be important to me! Iowan’s deserve to have their voices heard no matter how far they are away from the capital. I will advocate for our rural communities, even if it means braving it alone. I am running for State Representative to represent the voices of the citizens of House District 24. YOUR VOICE MATTERS TO ME!

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